Design's were submitted for a US Bank LGBT Debit Card Design contest.
This entry placed top 3 of more than 400 designs.
Featured on Q Voice News & US Bank Stories

My motivation behind this design was a reaction to the political climate during and after the more recent presidential elections.
It’s important that we establish our voices and opinions any way we can. As an artist and a designer, I felt compelled to use my skillset to make a statement about our current situation in the United States.
What I can say about the LGBTQ community is that there are not just two sides to it, there are many different ranges of colors that make it whole. This is why we use the rainbow flag to represent us; the different shades represent the diversity within. I wanted my design to show that inclusivity and acceptance of our beautiful differences.

The characters I featured were chosen to represent different cultures and walks of life. They include a Muslim women, a transgender person and leave the rest up to the spectators imagination. They only have oral features to symbolize that their ‘voices’ will be heard.

Aside from creating the artwork itself, I enjoyed giving these graphics more life with alternative usages. Enjoy!

Taglines were created with each character that may be also used within other communities under many other circumstances.

Greeting Cards and Stickers

Social media posts used during contest.

American Red Cross asked for an email header for their holiday email coming from their Diversity & Inclusion team.